Commodity CFDs
Commodity CFDs allow you to profit from the price movement of 20 commodities with a small investment (with a small margin) and without paying commissions. CFDs are more suitable, compared to future contracts, for those who want to trade with smaller amounts of money, because the minimum trading quantities are smaller – i.e. the minimum trading quantity is 1 oz. t. for CFD on gold and 100 oz. t. for gold.
Benefits of Commodity CFDs
- Small minimal trading amounts and small margin requirements
- You can place both long and short positions
- Free real-time quotes, immediate order execution and high liquidity
The main commodities on which CFD are based:
- US oil
- Brent
- Industrial fuel
- Gasoline
- Gas oil
- Natural gas
- CO2 Emissions
- Gold
- Silver
- Platinum
- Palladium
- Copper
- Corn
- Wheat
- Soy beans
- Sugar
- Coffee
- Cocoa
- Cattle
Trading conditions
Find more information under CFDs trading conditions